Here's a bunch of stuff I did from a Cartooning class at the community college I used to go to. I was pretty proud of the work I turned and received a lot of inspiration from my teacher, Diana Coco-Russell. She's an amazing artist who worked for many years at Disney doing breakdowns and clean-up for several films during the "Golden Age of Animation". My decision to officially pursue art as a career is owed to her.

The assignment was to take a comic book cover and change all the titles and blurbs around. Venom became the almighty
Burger Beast, facing off against his arch-nemesis- the Hamburglar! Grided out the original and hand-drew it from there.

Got some cheap fountain pens from Michaels and spent a few hours messing around. This one was my favorite from that session.

An original creature I designed, called "Cactoids." What's that you say? I ripped off Final Fantasy's Cactuars?! How dare you...

See, my cacti have sexual dimorphism and pull their legs out of the ground!

This wasn't actually done in Cartooning, but rather a Printmaking class with the same teacher. I wasn't too into it, but at least I still got a couple decent pieces out of it.