Here's an animation update on the squid shot from my demo reel. The director had told me there wasn't enough weight behind the squid in the previous version, so I ended up deleting a bunch of keys and redoing most of it. The first time around took me about 1 1/2 weeks, whereas this took me about 5 days. It feels good to see the speed of my workflow steadily rising.
Old version:
New version:
Update 2/15: After repositioning the tentacles, adding more offset and overlap to tentacles, adjusting the beak, mantle, and fins, and fine-tuning the timing all around, this shot has finally been approved!
Man this squid was a pain in the neck, but I learned a lot from it. Creatures are no easy task, but with the help of Joe Daniels, the director, I was able to really push my animation farther. With that said, I hope I never have to work with tentacles again.
All Starfish Ninja work is copyrighted by Joseph Daniels. I do not own any of the characters, assets, or story.
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